Saturday, 21 December 2024

An Empty Machine

Some emptiness is killing me!

I don’t know where to go,

I don’t know what to do!

Who cares when one more light goes out?

The void inside me, the whole of life,

My mind is flickering, empty eyes are crying!

Where am I? What I’ve done?

An unfinished book, an unanswered life.

A poem I’m not able to finish!

An emptiness we shared,

I just want you to know who I am.

Things that I’m trying to let go of.

A Love, a home… I’m letting the things go.

A shattered dream, an unfinished life!

A burning inside me!

Still, I’m letting the things go.

A void trying to kill light.

The sun will rise again with sunshine,

I don’t know if the numbness will allow me to see the sunshine.

The heaviness that killing me and driving me crazy,

I give up to try to touch heaven.

I just talking to myself inside a dark room!


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Saturday, 7 December 2024

শুকান সাগৰ

সম্পৰ্কৰ ভঙা টুকুৰাবোৰ লৈ আছো দুহাতত!

কেচা তেজৰ টোপাল বৈ যায়,

এখন শুকান সাগৰত তেজৰ ঢৌ!

লক্ষহীন পালতৰা নাৱত উন্মাদ মই,

যিফালেই চাওঁ, দেখোঁ অসীম শূন্যতা!

মোৰ ঠুনুকা মৰম, কেৰোণ লগা স্মৃতি, মাথোঁ ভগ্নাংশ!

দুখৰ বোজাবোৰ বৰ গধুৰ,

সীমাহীন সাগৰ, সংগী বিহীন মই, যাযাবৰ।

বাৰে বাৰে মোৰ হৃদয়ত আঘাত সময়ৰ!

উহহ... ইমান কঠোৰ কিয়?

তেজৰ ঢৌ, ভঙা পালতৰা মোৰ,

আৰু হাতত এটা নিঠৰ হৃৎপিণ্ড!

এক অসীম যাত্ৰাত মই,

সম্পৰ্কৰ ভঙা টুকুৰা আৰু নিৰ্জীৱ জীৱন লৈ!

P.S.: Dedicated to the incomplete story of my life.


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English translation in the comment section

Saturday, 16 November 2024

When They Meet


When they met, spring sparkled bright,

The atom bloomed in the morning light.

Life of a lady was glowing from abundance.

A couple with infinite love in its blossom.

Love that heals the sorrowful hearts,

Bondless emotions in the void minds.

Habits of each other, midst of two empty minds.

Love, the bond, and some messy fights.

Countless voids that haunt the minds,

Cold relations, rogue thoughts, casting shadowed nights!

They kissed, they wept, a thousand vows,

Holding hands, keeping the memories alive.

Love, yes, it is!

A tough road with twists and turns,

Dance of light that lifts the dark.

Joy of the atom, spring with the sunny mornings.

Heavy hurts, warm hugs, millions of kisses!

When they meet, the love bloom anew.

Love, the journey to spirituality through their hearts. 


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Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Lost in Mirages


I draw the last breath from a burning ember,

My thoughts tangled with endless fumes.

Running, hiding, lost in mirages.

Where am I, in this twilight drift?

I light another cigarette, pour another cup,

Filling the void inside with smoke and caffeine.

The void flickers with illumination, 

Fragile glow before the silence.

Am I lost in the haze of illusions? 


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Saturday, 24 August 2024

The End of Horizon

I'll meet you at the edge of the horizon,

With my infinite love and devotion!

Those waves are screaming,


My emotions are floating, 

Still clueless with my boundless thoughts!

A dying spirit with a fragmented life, 

I don't know the way of love! 


Still figuring out the essence of loving you.

My unanswered questions, unforgettable mistakes,

I know I'll meet you at the end of the horizon,

In harmony with my infinite love and devotion!


P.S.: To you, in your hand, in our loving memories.


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Friday, 5 July 2024

End of the Circle

My words are shortened

Thoughts are fragmented,

A cyclical life, looping unchanged.

Those vultures are staring at me!

A soundless echo of my scream.

Though darkness devours,

A soul brims with boundless thoughts.

Shades of light beckon me toward infinity.

Where am I?

Am I transcending time?

To witness the end of time!


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